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When It All Seems Out of Control

Are you discouraged or downhearted?

Are you tired of the chaos of this world?

Are you weary of trying to smile when things seem out of control?

I identify with that. Sometimes it seems like there is so much negative all around me.  I don’t know how to process it all or how to help improve it.  The world seems to be turned upside down and things are stripped right from under our feet. We fall, we stumble, we attempt to go one step forward, only to discover that we have gone three steps back.  All these things leave me feeling discouraged and downhearted.

It’s then we begin to struggle with what some have called the Five Deadly D’s:  Discouragement, Disappointment, Doubt, Despair and Depression. (Actually, everyone may have a different list because of their individual circumstances.)

Recently, I felt my world turned upside down. I was diagnosed with COVID.  I was prepared to stay the course.  I thought I would soon be back to normal and ready to face the world again. But it did not go that way.  I was very sick for three long weeks. When I felt well enough to resume my normal activities, I realized that my legs were very weak, and I could do nothing without the help of my walker. Then one morning when I was up and walking, my right knee gave way. I landed hard on the floor. Off to the ER I went, only to learn that I had broken the fibula bone in my right leg.  No surgery was needed, BUT I wasn’t allowed to put weight on it for seven weeks. Of course, with no weight bearing and no use of my legs, I continued to get weaker. Then I realized that I was having a hard time with my balance. Now, several months have passed and I have made very little progress and wonder if I will ever be able to walk normally again.

When I am struggling physically, I also find myself struggling spiritually. I know that I am a child of God, a daughter of the King, redeemed and loved by the Lord. But I somehow lose a sense of purpose as to how I can serve the Lord in this state. I find it very difficult to be dependent on others. But God is teaching me to receive the help and allow others to minister to me, even though I’d much rather be ministering to others. At this point, I needed to recognize that I was disappointed and headed down the path of the Deadly D’s.

So, what is the solution to deal with these Deadly D’s before they control me? The first thing is to recognize and identify your own feelings. Name them and speak them out loud. When we can do that, the battle is half won.

Then ask yourself, why am I feeling this way? If disappointed, why am I disappointed? If discouraged, what is making me discouraged? If more D’s develop, one may want to seek out a good friend or counselor who can help process those feelings. Perhaps someone who can pray with you and surround you with the loving arms of Jesus. BUT don’t just ignore your feelings. AND don’t allow your feelings to control you because the Lord desires to help you to control your feelings and be victorious in the battle.

A few weeks ago, I was struggling with discouragement because of the many losses that I had been experiencing. It was devastating to see and feel the loss of so many things that had become a vital part of me. As I was processing this with the Lord, He reminded me of a Scripture that I had learned many years ago. It is found in Psalm 34:1 which says: “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”  I realized that I had not been praising the Lord for all His goodness to me.  I made a commitment to the Lord to be more faithful in praising Him and know He will give me a life of blessing.

Yes, the world is filled with chaos and lots of bad news.  BUT we have a Savior who has already won the victory at Calvary and He is in control when all else seems out of control. Jesus has already taken ALL the Deadly D’s to the cross and our victory is in Him and Him Alone.  Praise God!!

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