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Bethany Schuller

Scratches, Stains, and God’s Grace

A few years ago, our family bought a home that needed a little fixing up. We could see the potential in this house. We decided the kitchen would be our first project. We sought the advice of a professional and decided on white cabinets. They would brighten up our kitchen, look beautiful, and be timeless.

As a family of five, we knew the cabinets wouldn’t remain spotless forever. Within months there were a few scratches and stains. As an active family, keeping things spotless just isn’t realistic for us. I wait until it is visibly dirty (and then some) before it forces me to do the deep cleaning or “spring cleaning” as some might call it.

So, I grabbed my rags, put on my worship music, and got to cleaning. I recognized a few of the first scratches and also saw many new ones. Where did that red and blue mark come from? If juice was spilled why didn’t someone clean it up? Now it was sticky, stained, and going to be tougher to get out! I started to consider how these scratches and stains are like my own sins.

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. Ephesians 1:4

God created man for the sole purpose of giving Him glory. God did not intend for man to sin, but we do, by our own free will. We think our choices, our sin and disobedience, will not have a negative consequence, but they do. Our sin leaves scratches and stains. Thankfully, God made a way, by His grace, to remove our sin. He gave us His word, the Bible, to guide us. He gives us the Holy Spirit to live in us. And His Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sin, cleansing us, and making us right with Him again!

Some of those dings and marks on the kitchen cabinets will never completely go away. So it is with the consequences or marks left from my sins. Yet, the Lord is faithful and just. He hears me when I call and will forgive me when I ask Him to. As hard as I try not to sin, I still will. So, the cleansing process is necessary to start fresh and new. This is God’s grace, which is readily available to you and to me.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9

You would think wiping down cabinets isn’t a big deal and should go quickly. It takes more time than you realize! I was doing the last one and was sick of it. Then I noticed the kickboards. They were bad too! Coffee stains, dirt and grime. I found myself wondering if it was worth it. Would anyone else even notice all the time and effort I was putting into cleaning the cabinets? That dirt, my friend, is similar to the deep places of your heart. Unclean. And no one else might notice. But God does. He knows your heart is as it should be. He intended for our hearts to be clean.

Let’s not wait until our sins have gotten the best of us that we can no longer recognize who we are. When you see just a little smudge (in your attitude, your tone, your words) grab your tools and get to spring cleaning!

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Jun 16, 2022

Thanks for this good reminder!


Jun 16, 2022

I really, really like this blog, Bethany! I appreciate how you allowed the Holy Spirit to teach you something so profound as you cleaned your kitchen! So cool! Thank you for sharing it!

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