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You are Loved!

Kaylee Dykstra

Do you ever question God’s love for you? Maybe it’s hard for you to believe you could be deeply loved by someone. Or it’s just plain hard to believe that such an amazing God could actually love you, specifically?

This summer I had the opportunity to read the book “Worth it” by P31 Fitness. In our tween study group we were able to dig into discovering what it truly means to be loved by God and to find our worth in Him. I learned that we all seek to be loved and accepted. We often seek love and acceptance from our families, girls at school, or by new people we meet.

Additionally, we might really like sports, friends, school, art, and many other things, but there is a love that is much greater than all these earthly likes. God’s love for us. It is pure and true. He loves us completely and just as we are. In return for His love for us, we need to keep our love for Him strong and let ourselves be covered in His love. It is important for God to be first in our lives. God is the only one who can give us real, true love. He is the only one who can perfectly fill that longing we have to be loved. This is because His love is perfect.

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

1 John 4:8

I’ve always been told “You are loved” and “Jesus loves you.” But I never really put any thought into it or took it to heart. It was just something I was used to hearing. I’m now learning that His love for me is real. I am truly and deeply loved by God! He chooses to specifically love me! That’s not something to shrug off. Even though you and I both fall short and sin, God loves you unconditionally and in an unimaginable way! It is amazing!

1 John 4:19 says,

“We love because He first loved us.”

He loves you so much and wants to spend eternity with you! His love is why He died on the cross. He had me and you specifically in mind when He went to the cross. He was thinking of the friendship He wants to have with you and me. He considers you extremely valuable.

“For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life.”

John 3:16 TPT

Through this Bible study I’ve learned that being loved is a big deal. I need to continually remind myself of His love for me. Some of the ways I’ve tried to remind myself that I’m loved is by simply taking the time to tell myself, “Kaylee, you are loved!”

During this study, we all had a chance to get up in front of a mirror, look ourselves in the eye, and say that exact phrase out loud. We all agreed that this exercise was challenging, but so good for us to do. I’ve even written out the phrase “You are loved” and hung it up in my room as a constant reminder to myself.

God considers you

extremely valuable!

I encourage you to spend time this week thinking and reminding yourself of His love for you. Love yourself for who He created you to be. Love others. And most importantly, love God and accept His great love for you.

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived– the things God has prepared for those who love Him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9

God loves you in an unimaginable way.

Accept His great love and rest in the peace He brings.

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